- to a Trading Operation providing for a secured & tailor made trade offer (Private Placement Program) in relation to their Funds/Assets, in consideration to the intended projects' financing of the Clients.
- to several Traders/Platforms/Financial Operators, Trade Desks in Europe, Asia...
David MAO - Private and Strictly Confidential. © Copyright, all rights reserved. Do not Share on Social Media and Mobile Apps
Published on October 07, 2017 -
I/We have the possibility to introduce the Beneficial Owners of the Funds/Assets
The “Clients” acceptable:
The Client must be the legal and Beneficial Owner of the Funds/Assets, not only the Beneficiary of the Funds/Assets. The Client is holding, owning and controlling under his/her sole signatory power, ownership and authority, either through him/herself or through a company under his/her direct control the financial asset (the “Assets”).The “Assets” acceptable:
Type: Cash deposit on a regulated bank account
- Currency:
- For another Currency, please contact us.
- Account holder: the Client
- Depositary Bank: to be confirmed by the Client, acceptable Bank
- Amount: Superior to 100M/120M, in accordance with existing and running trading programs and present possibilities/capacities and also the applicable investment regulations. [LTV must be at least 100M]. Any amount in a shot is possible. This Trader arranges multiple trading accounts.
- No Transfer, if the Funds are deposited in a Prime Bank(ⅰ) accepted by the Operator... Banks in Western Europe, Middle East (UAE, Bahrain or KSA...), Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, North America...
- If the Funds are < 100M (at least 50M, but more is always better), on a case-by-case basis. Open from time to time.
- When the Funds are requested to be transferred, on a case-by-case basis, they will always be under the exclusive control of the Client, in an account in his name and under his own signature.
- The Funds must be immediately available to the Client, free of any restrictions, third-party interests or encumbrances, and freely transferable upon the Client's sole instructions.
- Status: clean & clear funds, cleared by the Client’s Bank, no liens or pledge, free of any restrictions...
- Leased Funds, borrowed Funds, Funds assigned to the Client for his use are not an acceptable Asset. It is nevertheless specified that freely transferable LOAN could qualify, on a case-by-case basis. A Client will need to prove that the latter can freely use it, withdraw from the Banking Account...
- Any Funds currently blocked in favour of any party even if Blocked in favour of the Account Owner are not acceptable. If the Funds are already blocked, they do not qualify. Before a Client submits, please ask the Bank to unblock the Funds first.
Our request for PPP with Cash
Type: Cash-backed BG/SBLC
- Minimum Face Value of 150M to be issued by any "AA" or better rated Bank via MT-760 with full Bank responsibility - NOT LEASED
- Currency:
- The Client must be the Sender / Beneficial Owner of the Funds or his/her Financial Sponsor/Partner, not only a Beneficiary. The Beneficial Owner needs only conditionally commit/block his Funds to the trader/platform and confirm the commitment/blocking via a SWIFT MT 760 SBLC/BG to the trader/platform (Monetiser must be the Beneficiary). After authentication and monetization of the SWIFT MT-760, the resulting cash credit-line is placed for the buy/sell trading Operations.
- The leased instrument is not acceptable.
- Issued BG/SBLC cannot be re-assigned to the Platform, so if the BG/SBLC is already issued, the Client has to "discounting" BG/SBLC first (A credit line or borrow money against a Bank Guarantee may be given as a percentage of its face amount; i.e. to borrow a percentage of the Bank Guarantee’s value is a "discounted" amount of face value).
- The question is if the Client can qualify and if the Client is capable to perform. This is why only Beneficial Owner can participate.
- The Service can be done for one who can show a POF (Bank Tear Sheet / Bank Statement). The Client must provide a fresh POF (Bank Tear Sheet / Bank Statement), if the instrument is not already issued OR when the Client has successfully "discounted" his BG/SBLC.
- The client can provide the POF (Bank Tear Sheet / Bank Statement) of his/her Financial Sponsor/Partner who wants to support the projects of the Client